You are given an array of logs
. Each log is a space-delimited string of words, where the first word is the identifier.
There are two types of logs:
- Letter-logs: All words (except the identifier) consist of lowercase English letters.
- Digit-logs: All words (except the identifier) consist of digits.
Reorder these logs so that:
- The letter-logs come before all digit-logs.
- The letter-logs are sorted lexicographically by their contents. If their contents are the same, then sort them lexicographically by their identifiers.
- The digit-logs maintain their relative ordering.
Return the final order of the logs.
Example 1:
Input: logs = ["dig1 8 1 5 1","let1 art can","dig2 3 6","let2 own kit dig","let3 art zero"]
Output: ["let1 art can","let3 art zero","let2 own kit dig","dig1 8 1 5 1","dig2 3 6"]
The letter-log contents are all different, so their ordering is "art can", "art zero", "own kit dig".
The digit-logs have a relative order of "dig1 8 1 5 1", "dig2 3 6".
Example 2:
Input: logs = ["a1 9 2 3 1","g1 act car","zo4 4 7","ab1 off key dog","a8 act zoo"]
Output: ["g1 act car","a8 act zoo","ab1 off key dog","a1 9 2 3 1","zo4 4 7"]
1 <= logs.length <= 100
3 <= logs[i].length <= 100
- All the tokens of
are separated by a single space. logs[i]
is guaranteed to have an identifier and at least one word after the identifier.
Very basic Idea here
create two lists: letter_logs, digit_logs
sort letter_logs
return letter_logs + digit_logsThat way it would cost us O(MKlogK), with k = len(letter_logs). Of course k can degrade to n in case there are no digit_logs.
Steps :
- The idea in this solution is to create two separate lists that contains letter and digit logs.
- This makes the sort go quicker since the digit logs don't need to be sorted.
- An object is used to store the identifier, the contents, and the full log line of each log entry
- We go through each line in the logs array and populate the letters and digit lists.
- After the letter and digit lists are populated, only the letter logs are sorted according to the requirements.
- Once the sort is complete, the result is returned
Using the above idea implemented custom sort using C# inbuild method Compare from IComparable interface.