Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold

6 min readFeb 8, 2023
Photo by NINA PASCAL on Unsplash

Given an array of integers nums and an integer threshold, we will choose a positive integer divisor, divide all the array by it, and sum the division's result. Find the smallest divisor such that the result mentioned above is less than or equal to threshold.

Each result of the division is rounded to the nearest integer greater than or equal to that element. (For example: 7/3 = 3 and 10/2 = 5).

The test cases are generated so that there will be an answer.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,5,9], threshold = 6
Output: 5
Explanation: We can get a sum to 17 (1+2+5+9) if the divisor is 1.
If the divisor is 4 we can get a sum of 7 (1+1+2+3) and if the divisor is 5 the sum will be 5 (1+1+1+2).

Example 2:

Input: nums = [44,22,33,11,1], threshold = 5
Output: 44


  • 1 <= nums.length <= 5 * 104
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 106
  • nums.length <= threshold <= 106


We are given an integer array nums and an integer threshold, we need to find the smallest possible divisor, which when divides all elements of the nums array, then the sum of all those divisions should not exceed threshold.

Each result of the division is rounded to the nearest integer greater than or equal to that element.
For example: 7/3=2.33≈ (rounded to) 3

Let’s first start from a naive approach and optimize it further.

Approach 1: Linear Search


We need to find the smallest possible divisor, thus we can start from the smallest possible divisor and check if after dividing all the nums array elements with this divisor, the division results sum does not exceed the threshold, if it doesn't exceed then this will be the smallest divisor, thus our answer. Otherwise, we increment divisor by 1 and do this step again.

We know the smallest possible divisor can be 1 but what about the largest?
The minimum value of threshold is equal to nums array size. If we divide all elements with the largest element of the nums array then the result for each division will be 1 and the sum of those divisions will become equal to the nums array size, which is the minimum possible value of threshold, thus the upper bound for the divisors is the maximum element of the nums array.

Now, you might notice that we will try out all possible divisors one by one, thus this approach is very slow and it is not expected to pass all test cases. But this approach will be the stepping stone to the optimized approach.


  1. Store the maximum element of the nums array in maxElement variable.
  2. Iterate on all divisors from 1 to maxElement:
  • Initialize two variables, sumOfDivisionResults to 0, to add the division result with each array element, and
    thresholdExceeded to false, to indicate if the threshold was exceeded or not.
  • Iterate on all elements of the nums array, and add the division result rounded to the next greater integer in the sumOfDivisionResults variable and if the sum exceeds threshold, mark thresholdExceeded as true and stop iterating on nums array.
  • Check if the threshold was exceeded or not, if not exceeded then the current divisor is the smallest divisor, thus return it.
  1. If we never find any possible divisor, then return -1.


Note: We use divisionResult = ceil((1.0 * number) / divisor) to get the required result. But there is a cool trick to round off the result of the division to the nearest integer greater than or equal to that element which avoids the floating numbers and the potential precision loss, using divisionResult = (number + divisor - 1) / divisor. You can use any of these methods in your implementation.

class Solution {
public int smallestDivisor(int[] nums, int threshold) {
int maxElement = nums[0];
for (int num : nums) {
maxElement = Math.max(maxElement, num);

// Iterate on all divisors.
for (int divisor = 1; divisor <= maxElement; ++divisor) {
int sumOfDivisionResults = 0;
boolean thresholdExceeded = true;

// Divide all numbers of array and sum the result.
for (int num : nums) {
sumOfDivisionResults += Math.ceil((1.0 * num) / divisor);
if (sumOfDivisionResults > threshold) {
thresholdExceeded = false;

// If threshold was not exceeded then return current divisor.
if (thresholdExceeded) {
return divisor;

return -1;

Complexity Analysis

Here, N is the number of elements, and M is the maximum element of the nums array.

  • Time complexity: O(N⋅M).
  • Space complexity: O(1).

Approach 2: Binary Search


In the previous approach we were iterating on all possible divisors one by one, thus it was not efficient.
So now we will try to optimize it

  1. If the sum of division results with current divisor is greater than the threshold, then the sum will be greater for all divisors less than current divisor (because if we decrease the denominator the overall result will increase), thus it suggests us we have to only search in right of current divisor (i.e. numbers greater than current divisor).
  2. Similarly, if the sum of division results with current divisor is less than threshold, then the sum will be less for all divisors greater than current divisor (because if we increase the denominator the overall result will decrease).

Thus, these two points indicate that we can use binary search on the search space of all possible divisors from 1 to maxElement.


  1. Cerate a function findDivisionSum(nums, divisor) to return the division results sum.
  2. Initialize variables:
  • ans = -1, integer to store the lowest divisor which doesn't exceed threshold.
  • low = 1, the lower bound of the search space of all possible divisors.
  • high = max element of nums, the upper bound of the search space of all possible divisors.
  1. Apply binary search on search space from low to high:
  • Initialize mid, with the middle value of search space i.e. (low + high) / 2.
  • Check if we use mid as the divisor, and if it does not exceed the threshold, then the answer can be mid.
    So, update ans with mid, but we can also have smaller possible divisors, thus update high to mid - 1 (discarding the elements to the right of mid).
  • Otherwise, mid is too small, we need a bigger divisor, thus update low to mid + 1 (discard elements to the left of mid).
  1. At the end, return ans.
class Solution {
// Return the sum of division results with 'divisor'.
private int findDivisionSum(int[] nums, int divisor) {
int result = 0;
for (int num : nums) {
result += Math.ceil((1.0 * num) / divisor);
return result;

public int smallestDivisor(int[] nums, int threshold) {
int ans = -1;

int low = 1;
int high = nums[0];
for (int num : nums) {
high = Math.max(high, num);

// Iterate using binary search on all divisors.
while (low <= high) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
int result = findDivisionSum(nums, mid);
// If current divisor does not exceed threshold,
// then it can be our answer, but also try smaller divisors
// thus change search space to left half.
if (result <= threshold) {
ans = mid;
high = mid - 1;
// Otherwise, we need a bigger divisor to reduce the result sum
// thus change search space to right half.
else {
low = mid + 1;

return ans;

Here, N is the number of elements, and M is the maximum element of the nums array.

  • Time complexity: O(N⋅log⁡M)
  • Space complexity: O(1).




Full Stack Programmer, love to solve problem’s during free time.